Friday, October 18, 2013

Mural Project Preview

1.  The theme of my unique Akins story would be attachment. I would use animals and nursing as most of the main subjects.

2.  The theme attachment would be worth devoting time and effort to capturing pictures is because its a beautiful thing and when you're attached something its means a lot to you.

3. The advantages of using an phone camera is that its portable, easy to snap a picture real quick. A disadvantage of having using a camera phone is that it doesn't have as much settings as an actual camera. If there not a good quality of light the phone camera picture won't look as good.

4. The advantage for using a SLR camera is it has a better image quality, the performance is better, and the shooting flexibly is good. A disadvantage is that it bigger and heavier and its complexed.

5. I think we should use SLR cameras because it gives us more experience is photography and who knows maybe not every one has a camera phone. Also it will give us more practice in the rules of composition..

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