Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Final Exam Part 2 & 3

Caption Writing

1) Shane Angelo runs on fire through one of China's festivals at 12 in the afternoon. Angelo was running because he wanted to protest against monks.  

2) Adam Estrada rides his horse, Ranger, quickly out of the fire in Vietnam at 8:30 p.m. There was an attack at the Army base, and left the place burning. 

3) There was an act of gang violence leading to the death of Matthew Guterriez, on March 24, 2003 at 3:30 p.m. Guterriez was known for gang violence and his rivals put an end by shooting him. 

Photo Composition 

The photographic composition shown is this photo is "Leading Lines". Leading line allows the eye to see where the photo is going. In this picture the straight lines on the track allow the viewer to follow its path. 

The photo represents "Framing". Framing is when the environment around creates a frame that points all the attention to the main subject. In this photo it creates a frame because the leaves make an aisle and allows the view to look directly a the woman standing.

The photographic composition shown is this photo is "Simplicity". Simplicity is when the background is clear and no noise is behind the subject. This is an example of simplicity because the photographer has a clear background and the subject is detectable.

This photo follows the photographing composition of " Rules of Thirds". Rules of thirds is when you divide the photo into 9 equal square; ( like this # ).  The subject is placed where the lines intersect. This photos follows this rule well because the soldier is standing right where the lines intersect. 

Friday, December 13, 2013

Rules of Photography Part 2

1. Rule of thirds

2. Balancing Elements

3. Leading Lines

4. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition)

5. Viewpoint

6. Background

7. Create depth

8. Framing

9. Cropping

10. Mergers and avoiding them

Portraits and Self Portrait

Best tips for self portrait 
  1- Anticipating Behavior
 An important element in people photography is knowing your subjects well enough to be able to anticipate what they are going to do. It's the only way you are going to be able to get pictures of it. If you wait until you see it, it's too late. The key is to watch people carefully. Always have your camera ready. If you're going to be shooting in one situation, set the aperture and shutter speed in advance so you don't have to fiddle with them while you're shooting. Watch people through the viewfinder. If you're paying attention, you'll sense what's about to happen.

  2- Use Both Auto and Manual Focus
A good practice to get into when you're taking self-portraits is to use a mix of auto and manual focus. First, focus on your stand-in object using auto focus. Then, with the object still in focus, switch your lens to manual focus.
This will give you the freedom to tweak settings, re-meter for changing light and anything else you need to all without screwing up your established point of focus. Just make sure you stand perfectly on your mark each time you take a photo.

3- Capture You - My last tip is to use the images below only loosely as inspiration. A self-portrait should be a very personal expression, not simply a mirror of something you've seen elsewhere. Think about who you want to be and how you want to say that. Use props, scenery, pose and lighting conditions to convey your personality. And most of all, have fun

Environmental Portrait

I like this photo because the red on her dress stands out, you can see its out of place and the background is nice. I like this photo because she stands strong and its view is just amazing. 

This photo is awesome because the different colors of the background is just  so beautiful, the way the sun lights like sky is just insanely nice. 

Casual Portrait

I like this photo because the baby is so innocent and pure and she is just too cute.

This photo is nice because the background is so bright and the 2 lovers are lost in to each others daze. its just beautiful. 
Formal Portrait

This photo is cool because Einstein is one incredible guy. i like it because his facial expression is  nice and I just wonder what he is thinking.

I like this photo because its nice and the way the photo is its a good picture.

Photography Self Portrait 

I like this photo because the way the ball reflects the background is cool.

I like this picture because its creative, its crazy and weird.

I plan to shoot my portrait of a family member in a way that looks unique, I plan to shoot this a home, and a way I will be successful is by following the rules of photography and going over the tips I've read about.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Three Pillars Of Exposure: Aperture, ISO, Shutter Speed




1) The body part that should closely related to aperture is the pupil.

2) The smaller the aperture, the brighter the picture. The higher the aperture, the darker the picture.

3) If you have a low aperture, the depth of field will also be low because depth of field is how " sharp" objects are. Higher aperture correspondingly means high depth of field.


High Shutter Speed

Low Shutter Speed

At the beginning while the sun is still partially up and the courtyard has reasonable light

  • a.) the dunking booth - Fast
  • b.) the food eating contest -  Fast
  • c.) the rock climbing wall - Fast 
  • d.) someone working at a booth- Fast
  • e.) the DJ/MC working at the middle of the circle - Fast
  • f.) the Diamonds performance. - Fast

Towards the end when there is no sun and it is dark so there is not enough light to see from one end of the courtyard to the other.

  • a.) the dunking booth - Medium 
  • b.) the food eating contest - Medium 
  • c.) the rock climbing wall - Slow
  • d.) someone working at a booth - Slow 
  • e.) the DJ/MC working at the middle of the circle - Slow 
  • f.) the Diamonds performance. - Medium

Setting Shutter Speed- Auto Mode means it automatically sets both shutter and aperture 

Shutter Priority Mode means you set the shutter speed and camera automatically sets the aperture.

Manuel Mode means you set shutter and aperture manually 


ISO 200

ISO 3200

ISO 6400

1) The advantages would be for giving the football game a more brighter setting.

2) The author suggested that you should you low iso when there is plenty of light, so you can retain all the details and have high image quality. 

3) The author suggested that you use a high ISO when there is not enough light so the camera can take the photo quickly.

F4 - the best shutter speed is 1/60 because the background is blurry and the subject is focused its a shallow depth of field

F5.6 - the best shutter speed is 1/60 because the background is for the most part blurry and the subject is focused its a shallow depth of field

F8 - the shutter speed is either 1/30 or 1/60 because for both the backgrounds are blurry and for 1/30 the subject is slightly blurry and for 1/60 its pretty sharp but a little dark.

F11- I would say probably shutter 1/60 is the better shutter speed because the subject is sharp, the background is for the most part is sharp but the photo looks a little under exposed

F16 - the shutter speed that fits most best would be 1/30 because the subject is sharp and the background is also sharp as well. but it might just be slightly under exposed but over all 1/30 is the shutter speed that fits best

F22 - the shutter speed thats best, would be 1/8 because the background is clear and the subjects are some what clear.

when the shutter speed is at its lowest the subjects start to become unfocused. I think the photographer can use a tripod to keep focus.

I think the lowest shutter speed a photographer can hand hold a camera is F16.

I did good on the depth of field quiz, and for the the shutter speed and motion, at first I wasn't do so well but then I stated to get it. I think I understand aperture, shutter speed and ISO a little more. Compare to when I first started I can see an improvement.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Caption Writing: 5 Ws And H

Jose Cavanaugh kisses Zaryiah Rivers at 12:15 p.m in Times Square in New York City. Cavanaugh full of joy grabbed Rivers when the news announced that the allies had defeated the Nazis, ending World War II.

4 USA soldiers during World War II at 3:30 try their best to stand up the United States Flag at Mount Suribachi. The soldiers carefully stand up the USA flag to show that the United States of America is strong no matter what it goes through. 

On March 21, 1967 Adam Andrews stands frightened as Shane Walters fiercely holds the gun towards his head ready to shoot. 

 Marilyn Monroe poses over an air vent in a subway in New York City at 8:30 p.m. Monroe carefully pushes the front of her dress down as she gets ready for her picture to be taken by the paparazzi.

On December 20, 1951 in New York City Albert Einstein excitedly sticks out his tongue and waits for his photo to be taken. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Great Black And White Photographers Part 3

1) The first thing that caught my eye was how beautiful the picture looked. The way the clouds are and how it looks like they float above all is awesome.

2) I see the amazing sky looking down on me and the fog above and the stars so bright. I see camp sights, I see nothing else around. The world looks such a far. 
I smell the freshness of the air. The burning smell of firewood. The smell from the dirt is strong enough to smell.
I hear the voices of the wind blowing, the crickets and bugs chirping. The silent night is kind of creepy. 
I taste the cleanness of the air. The dirt, the burning wood. The fog in the night, taste like nothing.
I feel calm, peaceful, relaxed and like everything is so unreal. I feel like nothing could go wrong. Thoughts, going down memory lane plays through and it feels so beautiful.

3) I would like to create a poster, have some photos of theirs and descriptions about them. Put information about the photographer. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


This PowerPoint was really awesome and beautiful. I absolutely love animals especially lions. Words can't describe how amazingly beautiful those pictures are. 

This photo represents two lions showing their love to each other. This is my favorite photo because I love lions and think they are so wonderfully awesome and extremely beautiful. This photo, to me, has so much meaning to it.

The rules that are in this photo are value and contrast and space. Value is in this photo because it has black, white and grey. Contrast and space are in this photo because it shows distance between the lions and it uses extreme dark and light values.

What kind of camera did he use?
Pentax 67II with only two fixed lenses

what is the reason to take the photos? 
He take these photos because he wants to record a last testament to the wild animals and places there before they are destroyed by the hand of man.

what is his hope for taking these photos?
 His hope for taking these photos is to retain an aura of mystery and the vitality of life.

     Find something he has to say about Africa and post the quote on your blog

I'm not interested in creating work that is simply documentary or filled with action and drama, which has been the norm in the photography of animals in the wild. What I am interested in is showing the animals simply in the state of Being. In the state of Being before they are no longer are. Before, in the wild at least, they cease to exist. This world is under terrible threat, all of it caused by us. To me, every creature, human or nonhuman, has an equal right to live, and this feeling, this belief that every animal and I are equal, affects me every time I frame an animal in my camera. The photos are my elegy to these beautiful creatures, to this wrenchingly beautiful world that is steadily, tragically vanishing before our eyes.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Mural Project Preview

1.  The theme of my unique Akins story would be attachment. I would use animals and nursing as most of the main subjects.

2.  The theme attachment would be worth devoting time and effort to capturing pictures is because its a beautiful thing and when you're attached something its means a lot to you.

3. The advantages of using an phone camera is that its portable, easy to snap a picture real quick. A disadvantage of having using a camera phone is that it doesn't have as much settings as an actual camera. If there not a good quality of light the phone camera picture won't look as good.

4. The advantage for using a SLR camera is it has a better image quality, the performance is better, and the shooting flexibly is good. A disadvantage is that it bigger and heavier and its complexed.

5. I think we should use SLR cameras because it gives us more experience is photography and who knows maybe not every one has a camera phone. Also it will give us more practice in the rules of composition..

Academic Shoot Reflection

1. It was difficult to take photo to follow the certain rules because students would move around and be distracted.

2. I was thinking most about focusing the camera because i tend to shake my hands and getting the camera to focus is a little difficult. what i had to do to get the focus correct was reset myself and relax my hands.

3. If i could redo this assignment i would look over more photos of the rules of composition and make sure i completely understand each rule.

4. I wouldn't do anything the same. i feel it was all bad.

5. I think the rule of 3rd would be the easiest because i like that rule and i understand it completely.

6. I think balance composition would be the hardest to capture.

7.  I'm not totally clear on Framing and Balance, I will go back to the composition web site and study more of the rule and ask more questions.

Academic Shoot

I think i did okay on following this rule. 
The main subject of this photo is the girl in the middle. 
i don't think its pretty clear what the subject is because the background has a lot of commotion. 
I think i could have taken the picture in another view. 

I think i followed this rule for the most part.
The main subject is the girl in the blue.
I don't think the subject is obvious because there is a lot going on.
This photo i think falls into the category for avoiding mergers because on the left hand side you can see the girl was cut off and even on the right hand side she is cut off as well.

The Rules of Thirds
I think i followed the rules of thirds pretty well.
The main subject of this photo is the guy in the red shirt.
I feel it is clear what the subject is because the shirt is so bright it pops out at you.
It follows the rule because if you were to imagine the photo in to 3rds the red shirt would be in between the intersecting lines.

I think i followed the rule pretty okay.
The main subject is the guy in the black shirt.
I don't think it really clear as to what the subject is.
Something i could do different to make the framing photo better is to understand the rule better.


The rule was followed pretty well.
The main subject is the skull of an animal .
I think its kinda of obvious what the subject is.


The rule wasn't followed as well.
The main subject is the painting.
The main subject is able to be detected.
I think i could of go a little closer into the painting to eliminate the black background.