Friday, December 13, 2013

Portraits and Self Portrait

Best tips for self portrait 
  1- Anticipating Behavior
 An important element in people photography is knowing your subjects well enough to be able to anticipate what they are going to do. It's the only way you are going to be able to get pictures of it. If you wait until you see it, it's too late. The key is to watch people carefully. Always have your camera ready. If you're going to be shooting in one situation, set the aperture and shutter speed in advance so you don't have to fiddle with them while you're shooting. Watch people through the viewfinder. If you're paying attention, you'll sense what's about to happen.

  2- Use Both Auto and Manual Focus
A good practice to get into when you're taking self-portraits is to use a mix of auto and manual focus. First, focus on your stand-in object using auto focus. Then, with the object still in focus, switch your lens to manual focus.
This will give you the freedom to tweak settings, re-meter for changing light and anything else you need to all without screwing up your established point of focus. Just make sure you stand perfectly on your mark each time you take a photo.

3- Capture You - My last tip is to use the images below only loosely as inspiration. A self-portrait should be a very personal expression, not simply a mirror of something you've seen elsewhere. Think about who you want to be and how you want to say that. Use props, scenery, pose and lighting conditions to convey your personality. And most of all, have fun

Environmental Portrait

I like this photo because the red on her dress stands out, you can see its out of place and the background is nice. I like this photo because she stands strong and its view is just amazing. 

This photo is awesome because the different colors of the background is just  so beautiful, the way the sun lights like sky is just insanely nice. 

Casual Portrait

I like this photo because the baby is so innocent and pure and she is just too cute.

This photo is nice because the background is so bright and the 2 lovers are lost in to each others daze. its just beautiful. 
Formal Portrait

This photo is cool because Einstein is one incredible guy. i like it because his facial expression is  nice and I just wonder what he is thinking.

I like this photo because its nice and the way the photo is its a good picture.

Photography Self Portrait 

I like this photo because the way the ball reflects the background is cool.

I like this picture because its creative, its crazy and weird.

I plan to shoot my portrait of a family member in a way that looks unique, I plan to shoot this a home, and a way I will be successful is by following the rules of photography and going over the tips I've read about.

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